Legal information and notices of ReLease-Service
Responsible for the content (information according to § 5 TMG (German Law):
Release service
Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Stephan Schmitz
Erlenweg 26
52428 Jülich
Mobile: +49 151 50722824
Sales tax identification number according to §27 a sales tax law: DE 261154098
Job title: Dipl.-Ing. Architect (FH),
Awarded in Germany in the federal state: North Rhine-Westphalia
Responsible chamber: Chamber of Architects NRW, with membership number: A 31917
The following professional regulations apply:
- Construction Chamber Act NRW (BauKaG NRW)
- Implementing ordinance for the Building Chambers Act (DVO BauKaG NRW)
- Main statutes of the NRW Chamber of Architects
- Fee schedule for architects and engineers, HOAI
These regulations can be viewed at:
The content of the offer is the provision of architectural services, services in project control and facility management.
There is professional liability insurance for activities as an architect, project controller and facility manager in accordance with professional requirements.
Due to the Legal Services Act of December 12, 2007 in the Federal Republic of Germany, ReLease-Service does not provide any independent out-of-court legal services.
Legal form: sole proprietorship
The place of jurisdiction is Jülich.